Mrs. Sigel

"The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one."

-Malcom Forbes


I am so thrilled to be blazing the trail with you these next four years. I love teaching because I am passionate about getting others to think for themselves, to think out of the box, in hopes of creating a better life, a better community for all.

I can't wait to get to know all of you- you risk takers, creative thinkers, philosophers, creators, entrepreneurs, and thrill-seekers. I designed this course, Changing Hearts and Minds, with you in mind. We all have a story to tell- ones of victories and challenges, humor and happiness- and purposes to convey. Through this course you will learn the art of rhetoric and narration to inform, entertain, and educate those around you.

Let the magic begin!

This year marks my 12th year of teaching, and I am so excited to get back to teaching high school! Before teaching middle school English at Achieve Charter School for 8 years, I taught high school English in Woodland, Ca for 3 years. I am passionate about getting others to think and to use their words wisely.

Words are Power, People!

I love to do many things! I think one of my ultimate goals in life is to be awesome at everything I do, so I throw myself into a lot of different adventures. I love reading, hiking, gardening, and hanging with my dogs- Izzy and June. I enjoy taking care of my chirpees (a.k.a chickens) and look forward to raising a pig or goats or a horse someday. I love music! Although I can't carry a tune to save the life for me, I appreciate a good beat. I love rock, funk, alternative rock, and on some occasions, country. Oh, and I love driftwood.