Tax Restitution Project

Assignment: Quarterly Tax Restitution

+ Our clients are partners or vendors government entities. As a company that only deals with government entities, the company can apply for a preliminary restitution scheme without an tax  audit with terms & conditions applied.

+ We helped then realize the potential for tax savings from this and have succeeded restitution in around 2 billion in a year and will still be counting as per quarterly project.

Accounting Services 

Assignment: Accounting Software Implementation

+ Our clients have an issue with the current accounting process as everything is done manually.

+ As we also have Xero Advisor Certified, we helped them to do the data migration to Xero (Accounting Software) and provide training to their accounting staff.

Payroll Management

Assignment: Monthly Payroll

+ Our client is an overseas company that wants to comply with mandatory payroll regulations.

+ We helped them to register the company account for BPJS Ketenagakerjaan and BPJS Kesehatan.

+ We also provide monthly payroll management including payroll calculation, BPJS administration and reporting.

Regular Tax Compliance

Assignment: Monthly Tax and Annual Tax Return

+ We help over 20+ client to meet the tax compliance both for monthly and annually.

+ We also waive fees if there is an tax clarification or SP2DK for the regular compliance that we have engaged.