Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School

Sister Thea Bowman  alumni information

         Scholarship Requirements

Carmelita Spencer

Graduate Support Director

Phone: O: 618-397-0316| C: (618) 789-1098


Graduate Support Check-Ins

 I am here for you!  

 I will be visiting you IN PERSON this year for your check in! 

 Althoff Catholic High School  

Belleville West High School 

Christian Brothers College High School

East St. Louis Senior High School 

Gibault Catholic High School

Nerinx Hall 

Notre Dame High School 

Rosati-Kain Catholic High School

St. Mary's Catholic  High School 

Fall 2023

 check list

Contact Hours

Contact Hours Requirements

All high school students are required to complete 40 contact hours. Activities that count for contact hours include: 

You MUST submit any hours using the Contact Hours form below.

Write a story or social media post

We want to hear from you! Submit a story using Story Submission form below and we will share your piece to our social media and pay you for your work. This is a work-study project, so half of the amount will be paid to you and half will be paid to your school. You will also earn 5 contact hours for each story you submit!

Community Service