
Labs and Lab Safety:

All lab safety rules apply at all times during lab activities for all students.

​Approximately 20 percent of class time is taken up by lab work. The experience gained by manipulating equipment, recording and organizing data, and drawing conclusions should be a vital part of any physics course. Lab experiments are chosen to provide students with experiences that reinforce concepts being covered in class. Lab reports are required and are kept in a lab notebook. If lab is not made up within one week, student will receive a zero for any associated work (including participation grade), regardless of whether the absence was excused or not.

**It is your responsibility to set up time/date with the teacher to make up all lab work outside of regular class hours.

Quizzes + Tests

Quizzes are given approximately once every week unless an examination is scheduled that week. The AP formula sheet is allowed on all free response questions. The emphasis of this course is on developing concepts and problem-solving strategies, not on memorization. You are expected to stay current on all homework, and therefore, quizzes will sometimes be announced, and sometimes unannounced.

Tests consist of both multiple choice questions and free response problems. Tests are designed to prepare the students for the AP exam and simulate the AP testing environment.

Benchmark exams are given that consists of a set of released AP multiple choice questions and mechanics free response questions. The final exam, in addition to successful completion of the AP Physics 1 examination in May, is a comprehensive laboratory + content exam given during final exam week.

Home work:

Homework will be given most nights of the week. In the beginning of the course homework will consist of instructor-written or textbook questions. Later in the course these homework questions will become AP free response questions or problem sets created to mimic the AP test questions. Homework will not be graded for a numerical value but rather will be a gauge for mastering contentk. Answer keys will be provided to students upon completion of all work. Your work will never be considered late. However, do not let this be an excuse for not doing your work. If you don't do the work, you cannot master the content, therefore you will have a hard time passing the assessments and will fall behind in the course.

**Being responsible so you don't fall behind is the best way to maintain your grade in physics.

Excused Absences:

Please see me before school (NOT during class time) to determine the due date of any work missed while you were absent. If you know of an absence ahead of time, let me know so that I can give you the work before you are gone. Usually, you will be given one school day for every day that you missed to complete the work. Plan to make up any labs/activities missed BEFORE school. Any activities/labs missed need to be scheduled with me the day you return; otherwise, the equipment may be put away and you may miss your opportunity! Remember, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed (from me) right away—and always do this outside of class time.


Here are the consequences for a student caught cheating.

1st offense: If a student is caught cheating, whatever they are working on will receive a zero. The student may not re-do the assignment.

2nd offense: Student will receive a referral and the teacher will call home in addition to consequences for a 1st offense.

3rd offense: 1st and 2nd offense consequences applied. Student and teacher will sit down with counselor and parents to discuss removal from the class.

**Cheating is never acceptable.

Tardies/ Bathroom/ Water Policy :

Tardies: All tardies will be recorded in PowerSchool. The only way to have an excused tardy is if you have a legitimate note from a teacher/counselor/other authority figure on campus.

**Excessive tardies will lead to you struggling in this class. We always begin class on time each day and use the entire period.

Bathroom/Water Fountain Policy: Students can use the restroom as necessary. However, if I find it becomes habitual (i.e. you go every single day) I reserve the right to say no when asked. Leaving the room without asking is never acceptable. As your teacher, I am responsible for you while you are in my classroom. It's imperative I know where you are at all times in case of an emergency.

Hall Passes: Hall passes will not be distributed for the first and last 10 minutes of the class.

Cell Phones:

Cell phones are not considered a part of the learning process. If technology is needed in the classroom, it will be provided in the form of an Ipad, Chromebook or laptop computer. While I firmly believe in the power of technology, I do not believe that students should have their phones out in class. Checking social media, taking selfies, and texting are not acceptable behavior during class. It is my job to prepare students for the 'real world'. The working world wouldn't tolerate selfies during meetings, and neither do I.

  • Students must keep personal devices off and out of sight during class. (unless specific permission for use is given).

  • Abuse of cell phones will result in confiscation of the device for the entire day. Repeat offenses will be referred to administration.

  • Given that cell phones are not necessary for class, it is the sole responsibility of the owner of the phone to make sure its not lost/stolen.

1st offense: Verbal warning

2nd offense: Phone will be taken and stored in a safe location to be given back at the end of the class period

3rd offensw: Phone will be taken for the entire day and stored in a safe location. Student may pick up phone after the last block of the day.

4th offense: Student will receive a referral and the phone will be given to the front office to be picked up by a parent.

5th offense and beyond: Same as 4th offense + 15 minutes detention.

**No cell phones allowed during lab periods.

Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?

Research Proving Cellphones are a Distraction

Class Expectations:

  • We help each other learn.

  • We respect each other’s learning.

  • We have our materials and are learning from the moment the bell rings until I dismiss the class.

  • We handle lab equipment, textbooks, and technology with care.

  • We accept and respect each other’s differences.

  • We help create a safe environment in which we all feel comfortable asking questions.

  • If you are absent, you are responsible for obtaining handouts and notes and then also checking with me to make arrangements for extra help or to make-up quizzes, exams, labs or activities. This cannot be done during class time. This may be done before school, preferably.

  • Assignments are no longer accepted after a unit is complete (the unit is complete on test day).