
I’m Nicki Fiocco and I am an AmeriCorps Alumna from the Volunteer Maryland program, class 24, year 2011- 2012! 

I served as an AmeriCorps member in my mid-thirties after finishing my undergraduate program at University Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) with an environmental studies degree.  While I was not sure what I wanted to do next, I landed an internship with the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center in Edgewater, MD and from their AmeriCorps catapulted me into a career of service, volunteerism and national service!  I had no idea this land of Narnia existed and could not imagine my professional life would be based around volunteering, serving and simply connecting with others.  BUT it is!

Since my time as an AmeriCorps member, I have been Director of a statewide AmeriCorps program, Volunteer Maryland an Executive Director for two state service commissions, Maryland and South Carolina, and served on boards and committees with Service Year Alliance, America’s Service Commission, the Points of Light conference committees and the Regional Voice Lead for Impact 2030 – the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Needless to say – I HAD NO IDEA that these doors would open!

I want to keep doors open and discover new doors and opportunities. I have always wanted to connect with AmeriCorps members on a wider scale, I am so excited that it is happening now!

These are my top three goals for this network:

1.  Connect with each other virtually.
a.  To build a web of alumni connections.

2.  Connect with each other regionally/locally.
a.  To strengthen our connection through service.

3.  Be a collective voice about the transformation a service opportunity can
a.  Mentorship
b.  Professional opportunities
c.  Professional training
d.  Personal growth