6th Grade Blended Science

6th and 8th Grade Curriculum Blended Together


  1. Be ready to learn each day (be prepared with all supplies, charged/powered device, assignments, and attention)
  2. Join my Remind for your class period and my Google Classroom for your class period.
  3. Check gmail and Google Classroom EVERY School day whether you have that class or not.
  4. Register on Zoom with your correct name, and always sign in before joining a meeting. Failure to do that will result in you missing a meeting/class because we CANNOT allow anyone that we do not know into meetings and must lock meetings 5 minutes after starting.
  5. Remember or write down your usernames and passwords for different resources.
  6. Always check your internet connection and make sure your device has enough power before class.
  7. Always be respectful. (Of Peers, Teachers, Staff, Yourself, The Classroom, Materials, etc.)
  8. Keep it positive and on topic. When you contribute to chats, meetings, assignments, or comments, always keep it on topic and respectful. Use manners.
  9. Learn how to upload and attach assignments. Do not submit assignments unless you are ready for a grade on it. If you submit something without doing any work or attaching something, your grade will be a zero. You will sometimes have to take a picture or scan an assignment to turn in.
  10. You will set goals and regularly self-evaluate/reflect on the process of achieving those goals.
  11. Work toward balance: Do not live in the extremes of being too lazy, nor try to be PERFECT. Either one will create a lot of stress for you and others. Instead, find ways to balance. My goal is to not have you looking at screens all the time. While helpful in the pandemic, there is still plenty of research saying people, especially children, should limit screen time because of negative changes to the brain. Some of my assignments will have you using the supplies you are supposed to have, as well as getting outside. You will have the 6th and 8th grade consumables of the STEMscopes textbooks , and you will be using those.

Google Classroom will contain the weekly agenda and daily assignments. Only ACA Students can join Google Classroom with their ACA email.

Attendance criteria for each day must be met by 11:59pm that day.

Allow one business day for response to email.

Grades WILL NOT be officially given in Google Classroom or STEMscopes, but all grades will be put into the online grade book/parent portal. I highly encourage parents and students to monitor grades closely and often.

Grading is NOT Pass/Fail, and assignments will be graded for accuracy.

Zeros will be given for assignments that are turned in through classroom without attachments, without any work having been done, or failure to turn in assignments. Students have a late penalty of -10 for one day late, -50 for two days late, and -100 on the third day late.

Zeros will also be given for Academic Dishonesty (Cheating, Plagiarism, copying another person's homework/assignment/test answers. You owe it to yourself to have your work and your effort graded for feedback.

You get an education to learn and grow, and you are not expected to already know everything. If you did, you would not need school! I expect you to give your best effort. I expect you to learn from your mistakes and your failures. I expect you to have a growth mindset and hold yourself accountable.

6th Grade science at ACA is a blend of 6th and 8th grade curriculum. That means you will be learning more than a typical 6th grader at a public school. Our curriculum is accelerated and we have high academic expectations of our Griffin Tribe.

-Mrs. Leak

Conference Times: A Day 4th Period; B Day 7th Period