What are we learning?

*Students will learn the definition of each word and how to use it in a sentence. Please practice at home.*

*Los estudiantes van a aprender la definicion de las palabras y como usarlas en una oracion. Por favor Practicar en casa.*

1. Create: When you create something, you make or invent it.

Sentence:  I will create a chart to help me do my chores.

2. Dazzling:Something that is dazzling is very bright.

Sentence: The dazzling diamond shined in the light.

3. Imagination: When you use your imagination, you form pictures or ideas in your mind.

Sentence: When my mom reads me a story I use my imagination to see the characters.

4. Seconds: Seconds are units for measuring time.

Sentence: It took the runner 57 seconds to cross the finish line.