Executive Summary 

AcadeMir Charter School West (ACSW) is a tuition free public charter school currently serving students in Kindergarten through 5th grade in Southwest Miami Dade County. The mission of AcadeMir Charter School is to provide a challenging academic curriculum that encompasses a unique enriched math and science (STEM) project based learning program. Our goal is to develop students into critical thinkers by providing them with hands on learning experiences that will enable all students to achieve academic success and become lifelong learners.

In 2018-2019 AcadeMir Charter School West completed its 10th year of operation serving 619 students. The school presently and historically serves over 96% Hispanic population, 2% White and 1% Black and Asian population. 14% of our students are English Language Learners and 3% percent are Students with Disabilities. Our gifted Student population is 21% and approximately 60% of the school's population qualifies for free/reduced meals. While ACSW predominantly serve first generation Hispanic minorities we also serve a larger female population with 56% female population versus 44% male population. As a School of choice, ACSW believes its academic focus appeals to those students and parents interested in a well-rounded elementary school education, a challenging program focused on mathematics and science using innovative reform based instructional methods in a stimulating and nurturing environment that fosters maximum student achievement while promoting STEM education. Thus, allowing us to generate a large amount of applicants who are interested in pursuing STEM based programs.  

AcadeMir Charter School West’s journey to becoming a STEM certified school began four years ago in 2016, when a new school principal came aboard making some systematic changes with the goal of becoming a STEM Certified school. The school made changes in scheduling to allocate additional time for STEM, STEM course offerings, school-wide STEM Integration, established extracurricular enrichments to support and enhance STEM learning beyond the classroom and established partnerships that support our STEM goals. In 2017 the school sought STEM School Designation through Miami Dade County Public Schools Division of Academics Program. The school went through a year of academic transformation with deliberate and intentional STEM practices. This program encompassed a rigorous year-long process that focused on areas such as state and national assessments, course offerings, teacher professional development, student competitions, showcases for all stakeholders, community partnerships while challenging today’s digital learners through the infusion of higher-order thinking skills through a standard-driven intentional STEM integration. Upon the conclusion of this process the school was designated a Silver Rated STEM Certified School. In the two years that followed we continued to grow and excel our STEM program creating critical thinkers, increasing science literacy and enabling the next generation of innovators.  

Currently ACSW uses state adopted and researched based curriculum infusing best practices so that students are engaged and challenged on a daily basis. The school’s curriculum is aligned to the Florida State Standards. The core instructional programs implement research based strategies, innovations and activities that facilitate high levels of learning and achievement with a focus on mathematics and science for all students. ACSW offers students a STEM education that is active and focuses on a student-centered learning environment. Students engage in questioning, problem solving, collaboration, and hands-on activities while they address real life issues. In STEM education, teachers function as classroom facilitators. They guide students through the problem-solving process and plan projects that lead to mastery of content and STEM proficiency. STEM proficient students are able to answer complex questions, investigate global issues, and develop solutions for challenges and real world problems while applying the rigor of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics content in a seamless fashion. STEM proficient students are logical thinkers, effective communicators and are technologically, scientifically, and mathematically literate. 

By focusing on the teaching of math and science, ACSW introduces students to the tactics of problem solving, developing in them a general attitude for the solution of problems and not just computational skills. The educational program at ACSW and Science has been developed in accordance with Language Arts Florida Standards (LAFS), Mathematics Florida Standards (MAFS), and the Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (NGSSS) Science. This educational program is driven by annual academic standards; integration or effective research based strategies, grade level expectations, and the STEM 21st Century Framework for learning.

One of the fundamental components of the educational approach is a creation of an extended day by thirty minutes so that students achieve proficiency in STEM education. By adding an additional thirty minutes to the instructional day through a science course, a STEM Enrichment Block has been created to allow all students the opportunity to receive a STEM based Program that will expose all kindergarten through fifth grade students to daily lessons that involve hands-on, inquiry based instruction and exploration of STEM based learning opportunities, without impacting the core subjects. 

In addition, ACSW offers a STEM Lab Elective once a week for K-5th grade students where students are exposed to the engineering design process through Project Lead the Way (PLTW) instructional curriculum. ACSW implements a Project-Based Learning model (PBL), and Academic Curriculum Integration, all the while employing high yield strategies from Collaborative Learning, and Differentiated Instruction methodologies. Our program allows for scientific exploration and mathematical application along with technology integration through real world connections. By incorporating critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity and technological literacy that goes far beyond the basic knowledge to meet the challenges of the 21 century global economy.

ACSW is ranked amongst one of the top High Performing Charter Schools in the state of Florida based on the points it received under the State of Florida Accountability Program. ACSW is AdvancED Accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools for our commitment to continuous improvement and pursuit of educational excellence.  In 2017 AcadeMir Charter School West became a National Blue Ribbon School of excellence for being an “Exemplary Achievement Gap Closing” school who has made the greatest advances (top 15%) in closing subgroup achievement gaps in English and mathematics as, measured by state assessments. The National Blue Ribbon School award affirms the hard work of students, teachers, administrators, families, and our community in creating a safe and welcoming school where all students achieve academic success and become lifelong learners. In 2018 ACSW was designated a Silver STEM Certified School by Miami Dade County Public Schools. And more recently on October 8, 2019 ACSW received a Proclamation from the Miami Dade County Mayor and the Board of Commissioners declaring AcadeMir Way Day in recognition for our school’s commitment to education and service to the community. 

As a result of the STEM integration and increased focus on math and science the school has seen substantial and sustained student achievement in the areas of math and science. The school has increased and maintained student achievement, in the last four years; the school has increased student proficiency by 9% points from 64% to 73% proficiency increasing a total of 65 total points. In addition, the school has significantly surpassed the district student achievement average in science by 28% points and maintained a school growth of 6% points over the past 4 years. The school has also seen an increase in student achievement in math surpassing the district average by 27% points and increased 9% points over the last 4 years.  We have also increased in sub-categories like math Learning Gains by as much as 17% and in Math Lowest 25 Learning Gains by as much as 21% increase from previous years all the while closing the achievement gap. 

We recognize that parents and community members are our partners in education; by offering them workshops, resources, and outreach opportunities we have cultivated a network of people that will help us meet the academic, social, and emotional needs of our students. Our families are highly valued and are integral members of the educational team.  ACSW believes that student learning is enhanced when the School encourages parents to take an active role in their child’s intellectual development. ACSW has establish partnerships with business, community members   , and  post-secondary institutions as partners which involve on-going relationship with a minimum of for four interactions per partnership throughout the school year in support of our STEM instructional program and are directly connected to in class learning.

Teacher development and support is a big priority as we know they are key stakeholders in our pursuit of excellence. ACSW is committed to continual professional growth and committed to building the instructional capacity of teachers and staff. Teachers will have an opportunity to participate in school-based professional learning communities (PLC), book studies and lesson studies, district PD’s, attend conferences, and participate in common planning and cross curricular planning where educators work collaboratively using a cycle of continuous improvement to achieve goals that align with individual students, classes and school goals for improved student achievement.

The School is committed to continually meeting and exceeding high standards of student achievement for all students by providing a rigorous academic program founded on the Florida Standards and a strong STEM Enrichment Program which provides students the opportunity to participate in a problem based atmosphere that implements critical thinking skills and reinforces Science, Technology, Math and Engineering skills needed to develop students into global thinkers and lifelong learners. Ms. Bernal and her school leadership team has been able to implement mechanisms to continuously monitor, evaluate, support and improve curriculum to exceed standards of achievement year to year and prepare all students with 21st century knowledge and skills. 

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