Virtual Classroom Library

Reading is dreaming with your eyes open.

Read, Read, Read!

You can read books online or at the library! Find books that YOU enjoy reading and have fun!

step 1 - get a free library card

Parents, you can sign up for a free public library card at any of the locations or fill out an online application found on the links below.

Sign up for a free library card with Miami-Dade Public Library System (MDPLS)! (Ask parents for help)

step 2 - read for free on apps

Once you have a public library card, you can borrow FREE titles each month using the links to the right. These are virtual library apps provided by MDPLS. They can be downloaded on your phone, tablet, or other mobile device.

If you need help, please contact MDPLS using the link below.


Below are recommendations for each subject and just for fun! Some titles have read-alouds. Remember these can also be checked out at the library!



social studies

just for fun!