Class Expectations


1st time: Verbal warning

2nd time: Verbal warning and a point deduction

3rd time:  Another point deduction and student must sign the Behavior Binder

4th time: Parent Contact

**Behavior Binder: Students sign the binder for the infraction commited. For every three entries a letter grade is lowered in conduct. 

Positive Behavior System (PBS)

Our school uses the Positive Behavior System in which students are praised for positive behaviors.  Students will be awarded points when showing positive behaviors through Class Dojo.  For inappropriate behaviors and making bad choices students will be deducted points.  

At the end of the month students will receive tiger bucks for the amount of Class Dojo points earned. 

5 Dojo Points = 1 Tiger Buck 

Students will be taken to the Tiger Store at the end of the month  and will be able to make purchases with the Tiger Bucks earned. 
