7th Grade: Advanced Language Arts

Google Classroom Codes 

Period 3:  x7v3pok

 Period 6:  pqqxtfl

SAVVAS (Textbook)


Password:  Tigers23! 

Class Novel

1st Quarter: "The Red Umbrella" by Diaz Gonzalez

2nd Quarter: Edgar Allan Poe Unit 

3rd Quarter: "The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton 

Class Materials

Students must have the following items:

Home Learning

Weekly Assignments:

Schedule of the Weeks

 October 23rd - 26th

 October 16th - 20th

 October 9th - 13th

 October 2nd - 6th

September 26th - September 29th

 September 18th - September 22nd

 September 11th - September 15th

 September 4th - September 8th

August 28th - September 1st

August 21st - August 25th

August 17th - August 18th