
M.Sc. Michel Davalos Boites

M.Sc. Davalos is an Associated Professor at the 'Universidad de Guadalajara' in Mexico, where he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Informatics and a Master's Degree in Computer Engineering in 2011. Besides teaching experience, M.Sc. Davalos has thorough expertise in the development of desktop and mobile apps working with programming languages like C++/QT, Python, and Go.

M.Sc. Felipe Sención Echauri

M.Sc. Sención is an Associated Professor at the 'Universidad de Guadalajara.' In 2009 he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Informatics and, in 2011, a Master's Degree in Computer Engineering, both from the 'Universidad de Guadalajara.' He has worked for over 10 years in topics related to computer vision and artificial intelligence, developing software in C++/OpenCV, Python, and Prolog.

Dr. Ricardo Ramirez Romero

Dr. Ramirez is a Full Professor at the 'Universidad de Guadalajara' in Mexico. He owns a Ph.D. in Behavioral Biology delivered by the 'Université Paris XIII-Paris Nord' in 2004. Dr. Ramirez has coauthored over 30 papers for international journals, and he is a level 2 member of Mexico's National System of Researchers (SNI). His research focuses on studying the ecology, behavior, and biology of herbivorous insects and their natural enemies.

Dr. Fernando Wario Vázquez

Dr. Wario is an Associated Researcher at the Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR) in Rome, Italy. He owns a Ph.D. in Computer Sciences awarded by the 'Freie Universität Berlin' and has been recently accepted into Mexico's National System of Researchers (SNI). Dr. Wario's research focuses on computational ethology, computer vision, artificial intelligence, and collective intelligence.