Fossil Fuels

About Us

Joaquin Amador

Hi my name is Joaquin and I’m a 5th grader at Academia Moderna. I chose to research Fossil Fuels because gas can go everywhere like the ocean, trees, and such. It can kill animals and other living things around the world.

Sebastian Carrillo

Hello my name is Sebastian Carrillo and l am in 5th grade. l chose Fossil Fuels because l want to learn more about fossil fuels. We use fossil fuels on cars and it's also on the ground.

Nathan Cortez

Hi my name is Nathan and I chose Fossil Fuels because I want to learn more how fossil fuels affect the earth.

Jonathan Duarte

Hi my name is Jonathan, I’m a 5th grader at Academia Moderna. My topic is fossil fuels, and I chose this topic because fossil fuels are very bad for the Earth. I want to stop fossil fuels because fossil fuels cause Global Warming. Also we can't stop fossil fuels unless we stop using them.

Daniel Galindo

5th Grade
Academia Moderna

Anthony Gamez

5th Grade
Academia Moderna

Adiel Ortega

Hi my name is Adiel Ortega. I chose Fossil Fuel to learn more about and how we use it. I learned that fossil fuels are used on cars and other stuff we use.

Genesis Salguero

Hi my name is Genesis Salguero. I'm a 5th grader at Academia Moderna and I chose fossil fuels.


Copy of Fossil Fuels Exhibition 2021