3D Printing FAQ

Q: How long will it take for my design to be printed?

A: It depends on how many other designs are in front of yours. You can check how many people are in front of you at this link: Status of 3D Prints 

Q: How do I design something to be printed?

A: You can use any 3D design program you would like, but we recommend Tinkercad for beginners. Tinkercad has a very easy-to-use interface and uses shapes to make designs. You can go to Tinkercad here: tinkercad.com

Q: When can I pick up my completed design?

A: The times to pick up your 3D print is listed at this link: 3D Printing 

Q: What can I print and what can't I print?

A: You can print anything you design! The only things you can't print can be found here: 3D Printing 

Q: What are 3D prints made out of?

A: Our 3D printer uses a type of biodegradable plastic that does not generate harmful fumes.

Q: What colors can I print in?

A: You can use red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, off-white, gray, and black.

Q: How long after my print is completed will it be recycled?

A: 3D prints that have not been picked up after 10 school days, then your print will be recycled. If you are unable to pick up your print due to being absent, please contact the head of 3D printing.

Q: What if my completed print doesn't turn out how I wanted it to?

A: If you reach out to the head of 3D printing and let them know you are not happy with your completed print, they will help you as best they can.

Q: What if my completed print is not in the pick-up tray?

A: If the Status of 3D Prints page says your print is completed, please reach out to Mrs. Ysteboe or the head of 3D Printing and ask about your completed print.

Q: Is there a limit to how long my design can take to print?

A: 3D printing limitations can be found here: 3D Printing 

Q: What if my completed print broke when removing supports?

A: We will not do an immediate reprint since we are not responsible for what happens to your design after you receive your completed print. However, you can resubmit your design and wait to have it printed after any designs before you are completed.

Q: Where do I pick up my completed print?

A: You can pick up your completed print in the Library at the 3D Printing Station to the left of the circulation desk at the times listed on the 3D Printing page.

Q: Why can't I print designs other people made?

A: You may not print designs designed by other people because we want the 3D printer to be used for creativity, not for pulling 3D files off of the internet.

Q: How do I know when my design is finished printing?

A: You can see the status of your 3D print here: Status of 3D Prints

Q: How do I stop my design from being printed?

A: You can visit the Cancel your 3D Print page to cancel one of your 3D designs in the queue.

Q: Why can I only print 2 designs per 9 weeks?

A: To conserve filament so other people who haven't been able to 3D print something can get a chance to print.