Teacher Scholars

Interested in Learning More About the Teacher Scholars?

Contact Jodi Hofberg, Program Coordinator

Email:  jodi_hofberg@abss.k12.nc.us   

Office Phone: 336.438.4000 ext. 37838

Mobile:  336.264.7266


Alamance Burlington Schools is looking for students who have a desire to become teachers.  Students who are interested in attending Alamance Community College and graduate with an Associate in Arts Teacher Preparation degree can then transfer to one of the 16 North Carolina Colleges and Universities ready to begin their bachelor degree.  Upon graduation and successful completion of a teaching certificate, students will be guaranteed employment in ABSS!

Vision of the Teacher Scholars

Support ABSS High School and ACC students who have a desire to become a K - 12 teacher and come back home to ABSS upon college graduation.

Benefits of Being a Teacher Scholar



Steps to Becoming a Teacher Scholar 

Applications for fall semester entry is January 1st - March 31st

Applications for spring semester entry is August 1st -Nov 1st

Special Application window is open April 15th - May 15th

Information Flyer

  1. Make an appointment with your school counselor to review the gpa requirements  (2.8 unweighted) for the program. School Counselors should reach out to jodi_hofberg@abss.k12.nc.us
  2. Rising juniors or seniors must complete the Career and College Promise Application in order to take dual enrollment courses with Alamance Community College. Select Associate in Arts Teacher Prep Students must meet the unweighted 2.8 GPA to be eligible which is based on CCP requirements. 
  3. Email  jodi_hofberg@abss.k12.nc.us and kimberlys_davis@abss.k12.nc.us once your CCP application has been signed and returned to your high school counselor.

Recommended Coursework

 Junior Year

Optional:  CCP Courses from Teacher Prep Pathway

               COM 231- Intro to Public Speaking

                PSY 150- General Psychology

                ACA 122- College Transfer Success   

Senior Year

Optional:  CCP Courses from Teacher Prep Pathway 

Honor Cord Requirements