School Counseling

The School Counselors of Southern Middle School are:

 Mrs. Taleen Palmer & Mrs. Rachel Wilson Contaffa (click to view individual page).

If your students last name begins with A-M, contact Mrs. Palmer.

If your students last name begins with N-Z, contact Mrs. Contaffa. 

The Counseling Department is open during normal school hours (8:15am to 3:45pm) and by appointment. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please call (336) 570-6500.


Southern Middle School Counselors seek to prepare our students to enter a culturally diverse world through collaboration, advocacy, and leadership. We seek to foster the academic, social, and career skills and achievements of our students by providing opportunities for individual, group, and classroom counseling activities. The school counselors will provide developmentally appropriate and comprehensive services to all students while also working with faculty and parents to prepare students to make positive contributions as productive members of society.


Our school counselors are called on to carry out a number of functions in our school aimed at creating a positive school environment where all students can reach their full potential. These functions include: counseling, consulting, program planning, coordinating, and student appraisal.



The counselors at SMS subscribe to the following basic tenets of the counseling process as outlined in the American School Counselor's Code of Ethics:


Some of the special programs available for students at SMS may include:



As counselors we keep things discussed confidential, unless someone is in danger. We do encourage students to have open communication with parents.