
Important Dates

Aug. 19 - Meet the Teacher Night 5:00-7:00pm

Aug. 23 - First Day of School

Sept. 6 - Memorial Day (no school)

Sept. 20 - no school (teacher workday)

Third Grade Supply List


1 inch 3-ring binder

Pencil pouch or box

#2 Pencils 24pk (no mechanical pencils please)

Multiplication flash cards


Twistable colored pencils



1 pack color dry erase markers

1 pack fine tip black dry erase markers

1 pack chisel tip black dry erase markers

Highlighters (2-4pk)


Glue sticks (2-4 pk)

2 three-subject notebooks (math/reading)

2 composition books (science/SS, spelling)

2 two-pocket plastic folders - red, yellow

1 pack of dividers

Classroom Supplies:

Hand sanitizer


Clorox Wipes

Ziploc bags – gallon size

Behavior Information

We expect our students to be Respectful, Engaged, Ambitious Learners. I will teach expectations in the first couple of days. These expectations will also be shared with families so that you can support me.

Our goal this year will be to focus on positive behavior. I will be using Class Dojo to give positive points to students. Students need to earn a specific amount to be included in the weekly reward. The amount of points students must earn by Friday is currently five. On a Friday the reward will be arranged at the end of the day on Zoom. For example, students may be involved in a whole class game.

There will be redirection for inappropriate behavior during class. When necessary this will be communicated to you through Class Dojo. There will be a four check system for inappropriate behavior:

1. Verbal warning

2. Think time

3. Note to parent

4. Office referral

Throughout the day if they have more than one inappropriate behavior they will progress through the checks. If a behavior warrants a straight office referral that will be communicated.

If you are not hearing anything about your child’s behavior that means nothing is wrong. Your child is doing a wonderful job during the day. Please remember the saying, “No news is good news”.