Behavior Expectations

Behavioral Expectations in the Library

Basic Rules:

  • School rules apply.

  • Always sign in upon arrival to the library.

  • Test takers must check in with Mr. Cornatzer and sit in the appropriate area.

  • The library opens at 7:45 am (or when the lights are on) and closes at 3:15 pm (or when the lights go out) on non-study table days. When the study table is in effect, students make take advantage of library services until the study table ends.

Students using the library on an individual basis must exhibit the following behaviors:

  • respect for peers, teachers, and guests

  • respect for library procedures (sign in/sign out, check-in/check out)

  • respect for library property

  • demeanor appropriate for the setting and activity

  • commitment to their purpose for using the library (for instance, students from study hall on a pass from a teacher to do work must stay on task)

Failure to demonstrate the behaviors will result in the student being sent back to class. Repeated offenses will result in office referrals and further consequences.

Usage Policies:

  • Students may check out up to five books for a two-week period.

  • Students will not be charged overdue fees; however, if the books are not turned in at the end of the school year, students will be required to pay the replacement cost for the book. These fees will carry over from year to year until the student withdraws or moves on to the high school. All fees must be paid at that time.

  • Lost and damaged books will need to be replaced by the student.

  • If a book is not in, students may place that book on hold (not reserve). If the book requested is overdue, the student who has the book will be asked to turn it in as soon as possible.