Ms. Drake

Welcome to 7th grade ! This will be a very exciting and challenging year in social studies. We will focus on world historical events from 1450 to the modern era.

Originally from Greensboro, NC, I graduated from Grimsley High School and Meredith College. While at Meredith I earned a BA in history with a concentration in education. I stayed at home with my two girls for many years and began teaching later in life. This is my 20th year in education having been at Western Middle the entire time.

As mentioned, I have two grown daughters. Susan graduated from Wofford College and is a CPA. She and her husband, Wes live in Charleston,SC. They have two little boys, 7 years and 3 years. My youngest daughter, Anne and her husband, Shawn live in Burlington. Anne graduated from Catawba College and is a gerontologist.They are the proud parents of my two granddaughters ages 5 and 6 months. All are the joy of my life!

Please refer to this site for test and quiz dates, contact information and announcements. Use the student planner as a "master copy" for assignments. The planner should always have the final and correct assignment.

If you need to contact me, my planning time this year is 2:00-3:15 pm You may e-mail or send a note with your child. I will respond as soon as possible.

Hopefully, working together, we can help your child have a very happy, productive and successful 7th grade experience!

Renaissance Test- Thursday, October 26th - Students have a study guide, as well as notes, vocabulary and handouts.