About AYLA

What is AYLA?

AYLA is an acronym for Alamance Youth Leadership Academy. It is a program sponsored by the Alamance County Chamber of Commerce. It is a leadership development program for seventh and eighth grade students open to public and private schools in Alamance County.

Students apply for AYLA in the spring of their sixth grade year. That summer they participate in a leadership retreat. During their seventh and eighth grade years, AYLA members participate in several leadership summits.

The chapters at each of the schools are encouraged to participate in various leadership opportunites on their campuses.

AYLA at Alamance Virtual School

Being that AVS is more than a middle school, we encourage our high school students who participated in middle school  AYLA events to continue serving in as mentors in our AVS AYLA Chapter.

Great things are happening at AVS with the support of AYLA!