Student FAQs

This page will be updated throughout the school year. If I begin to get the same question multiple times I will add the question and my answer here. Students will be informed of questions added to the page to answer the question for anyone else who may have the same question.

Why am I getting a message on Zoom asking me to sign into my company account?

Only abss authenticated users can access the Zoom. This means you must be logged into your school gmail. If you need further help refer to THIS doc for help.

Why can't I edit a certain doc?

If you can not edit a doc it likely means you are not owner of the doc. When this occurs you can either make a copy of the doc or you can request editing access from the owner. To make a copy of a doc, click "file" in the upper left corner of your screen and click the option "make a copy." For my class, you should always delete "copy of" and add your last name to the name of the doc.