Grade 2 Mathematics Family Support Materials
Major Focus of 2nd grade Mathematics:
Students focus on a variety of topics in 2nd grade. Here are the big ideas we want all 2nd grade students to understand:
Solve challenging addition and subtraction word problems with one or two steps.
Know all sums of one-digit numbers from memory by the end of the year.
Understand what the digits mean in three-digit numbers (place value)
Use understanding of place value to add and subtract two- and three-digit numbers (e.g., 78 + 26 and 811 – 367).
Solve addition and subtraction word problems involving length.
Recognize and draw shapes such as triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons, and cubes.
General Resources for Supporting Math at Home
Good Games using simple materials from around the house - click on the link for a document containing 40+ games for fluency practice using simple materials - pencils, paper, paper clips, a deck of cards, and dice.
Pre-made Games
Dominoes - Play so that touching dominoes must make a total of 10.
Spot It
Set Jr
Rush Hour Jr
7 Ate 9
If you’re reading a picture books together talk about the math you see. - has lists of books with math related themes for kids aged 2 to 18..
Other Good Activities
Cook together - A great way to work on counting and a good way to introduce fractions!
Talk with your kids about mathematics - Christopher Danielson, a mathematics professor and parent, has a great website with ideas for talking with kids ages 1-9 about mathematics
Family Support Materials for Illustrative Mathematics
Mathematics program used in the classroom
Illustrative Mathematics' Family Support website has materials to support families of kindergarten to Grade 6 students. Families can watch overview videos explaining each unit (with subtitles in English and Spanish) and read Family Letters for each unit, translated into 14 different languages.