Library Learning Updates

Library Update Jan 2017

posted Jan 27, 2017, 11:08 AM by Connie Long [ updated Feb 2, 2017, 12:19 PM ]

Ask Your Child About:

Gr 6 - Maker Space Projects: Green Screen and Little Bits

Gr 5 - What is your topic in the Westward Expansion?

Gr 4- What are you creating in Google slides?

Gr 3 - Tell me about your Glogster project.

Gr 2 - Can you sing the “continents” song?

Gr 1 - Tell me about folktales

K - Tell about our dinosaur stomp.

Pre-School - Can you sing a nursery rhyme?

Helping Early Readers

posted Apr 9, 2015, 7:34 PM by Connie Long [ updated Apr 9, 2015, 7:35 PM ]

Reading Rockets - Reading Rockets is a national multimedia literacy initiative offering information and resources on how young kids learn to read, why so many struggle, and how caring adults can help.

Families can help students avoid plagiarism

posted Dec 30, 2014, 12:15 PM by Connie Long [ updated Nov 30, 2016, 2:29 PM ]

Family Tip Sheet - how to avoid plagiarism

Library News - December 2014

posted Dec 21, 2014, 5:01 PM by Connie Long [ updated Dec 21, 2014, 7:57 PM ]

Learning in the Library

by: Connie Long, Library Media Specialist

This first term has been a busy time in the Library.

· Sixth graders will spend the year learning to use new technology tools that they can integrate into their classroom projects. This fall, students learned how to create a spreadsheet in Google Drive, and created an online poster in Glogster that told about technology terms. They are also learning about plagiarism and how to create a bibliography using Noodletools. Visit Mrs. Long’s student blog for a look at lesson resources:

· Fifth graders researched and created a timeline of historical events in North America from 500 BC to 1850 AD. Students also used Google slides to create presentations about Veteran’s Day.

· Fourth graders created a game in PowerPoint while learning about the national monuments in Washington DC.

· With Third graders, Mrs. Long is working to help students understand how books are organized in the library, how to use the library catalog, and how to locate fiction and non-fiction books on the shelves.

· Second graders have been learning about the seven continents and four oceans by reading folktales, singing songs, and using the interactive resources found in Britannica online.

· First graders are using Kid Pix design software to tell about a family celebration. Students are using the design and text tools to write sentences and draw an accompanying picture.

· Kindergarteners and Preschoolers continue to practice the routines in the library. Students have listened to some great read-alouds and participated in various activities such as rhyming games and making predictions and connections with the stories.

To help our students learn to be responsible digital citizens, as well as think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in online activities, students in grades 4, 5, and 6 are learning about digital safety and citizenship. While our school is dedicated to educating our students about digital citizenship, families can help reinforce the message at home. For ideas please visit:

Finally, we are using Britannica online encyclopedia in school, and your children can also use this great research tool at home. You can find the link to Britannica on the BMS library’s webpage:

Library Catalog


Online Encyclopedias
Please see Mrs. Long for password


Please see the library teacher for username and password

We are thankful for our library volunteers!