
I am excited to spend this year with 7 Gold students- discovering new concepts, solidifying your existing math foundation and preparing you with skills and confidence for future math courses. We will work in small groups and  independently, online and on paper. My hope is that you find each class fun and engaging!

What can you expect this year?

Like all other grade 7 Math classes at R.J. Grey, we will utilize the Desmos curriculum.  Over the year we will review a total of 8 units: Scale Drawings; Proportional Relationships; Measuring Circles; Proportional Relationships & Percentages; Operations with Positive & Negative Numbers; Expressions, Equations & Inequalities; Angles, Triangles & Prisms; Probability & Sampling.  

Will there be homework?

There will be homework assigned. If you don't remember, you can always find assignments on the 7 Gold Weekly Homework Calendar (here). 

Are you available after school?

Yes! I will be available after school on Tuesdays at 2:36 - 3:30. This is a great opportunity to better understand content, receive extra practice or review work. To attend, you can simply show up! All extra help sessions are in the classroom.

If you want to meet but are not able to meet during this time, please send me an email ( and we will try to find another day/ time.

What about quizzes/tests?

We will have quizzes and tests but no surprises. You will be given a week's notice of any upcoming assessment and we spend one day reviewing in class. Whenever possible, I will change extra help sessions so I am available the day before an assessment after school for additional review. 

Where can I find information?

I utilize Google Classroom to post assignments and helpful material. If you would like additional practice, please let me know!

How can I contact you?

I can be reached via email ( If you have a question with an assignment, you can also post a private comment on the google classroom assignment. 

Helpful links:

Khan Academy      (Choose the Algebra section)

         Khan Academy is another good website if you are absent from class.  It contains   

         many short videos that coincide and covers most of the lessons that we do in class.

         It’s sounds simple.  But, if you type in “order of operations” , "kuta" & “pdf” you can find         

         many worksheets on line for free.  Type in “graph paper” to print some out.

Cool Math:

         Coolmath is a good website if you are absent from class. They have explanations for

         many of the topics that we cover in class.  They are only a few example problems 

         called “crunchers.”

Insider Mathematics:

       This website has some really good problems to prepare for the Common Core Math exams (MCAS) in May.

Math Games:

Hidato:  A fun game to try that you may not know!

Sudoku:  Fill in the missing numbers so each row, column, and 3 by 3 square has all 9 digits