Writing Workshop

Students will use a workshop model to complete five writing pieces as required by the Communication Arts curriculum. We will focus on the following types of writing: Narrative, Persuasive, Informational, and Research.

Lessons on craft and conventions will be provided to enhance student's writing fluency. Students will keep a Writer’s Notebook to take notes on strategies and skills we learn in class. They will be expected to use those skills in their writing. Most of the writing will take place during class time, however homework may be assigned if students have difficulty meeting class deadlines. All papers will be typed in Google Classroom. Students will have access to their writing pieces through the Google suite and be able to work on them at home as well.

Most of the writing will take place during class time, however homework may be assigned if students have difficulty managing their class time.

Writing Process:

Brainstorming – coming up with the topic and related ideas

Drafting – writing 1st draft doubled space

Revising – making sure focus is clear and paper is detailed

Editing/Proofreading – check grammar and spelling

Publication – typing final copy

The assignments will be graded on each of the following points: focus, content, organization, style, and conventions. Each will be equally weighted.