Mrs. Scholly

Welcome back to the Beech! I am your 5th grade teacher, Mrs. Scholly! This is my fifth year teaching 5th grade and I couldn't be happier to be taking this very different journey with you, this year. I can’t wait to learn with you, learn from you and learn about you. We are all in this together!

How To Contact Me


Phone: (215) 881- 2000, Ext. 2923 (Please contact me by email at this time. I will share my cell phone number with you at Open House.)

During Class:

Students can send me a comment through our Google Classroom or "raise their hand" during my live instruction.

During School Hours when we are not in class together:

Students can send me a comment through our Google Classroom.

Parents please send me an email. Include details about your child's and/or your concern/question. I will do my best to answer it by the end of the day. Thank you for your understanding and patience!

After School Hours

Students can send me a comment through our Google Classroom.

Parents please send me an email. Include details about your child's and/or your concern/question. I will do my best to answer it by the end of the day. Thank you for your understanding and patience!