Mrs. Doctor

Hi, my name is Simone Doctor and I am your third grade teacher for the 2020-2021 school year. I am ecstatic for a new start with different ways of learning and many opportunities to grow in your educational experience.

Please feel free to contact me at anytime....I am only an email away!


Phone: 215-326-9783 (Google Voice Number)


During Class:

Send me a comment through our Google Classroom.

During School Hours when we are not in class together:

Send me an email. Make sure you include your name, details about your concern/question, and how soon you need a reply. I will do my best to answer it by the end of the day.

After School Hours

Send me an email. Make sure you include your name, details about your concern/question, and how soon you need a reply. I will do my best to answer it by the end of the day but realize that emails sent later in the day may not be answered until the next day.


Send me an email. Make sure you include your child's name, details about your concern/question, and how soon you need a reply. I will do my best to answer it by the end of the day but please realize that emails sent later in the day may not be answered until the next day.

Classroom Management Plan
Class Dojo Reward System
Meet the Teacher Letter.pptx