
technology to empower

Get help with business solutions

We custom craft business solutions for your specific needs

Create useful data with everyday processes

Our products not only help every day work at your company but produce data to capitalize on

Optimize your workflow

Through AI and data analystics we can deminish bloat and focus on what really works


About ABG

Miguel started ABG to help owners and managers of small to medium sized business obtain the benefits of an efficient strategic development team without having to build one.  Through technology we can help create business process management systems to ensure client satisfaction and business optimization. Through the creation of database management systems we help you use business intelligence for small tasks like data query and large tasks like implementation of business intelligence for enterprise resource planning. 


Here at ABG we handle business solutions of a wide ranging variety and complexity. If you are not sure which of our services best suits your needs do not hesitate to reach out for assistance.


Strategic Plan

New Software

Data Decisions



Have a business idea?

Lets work together to make it a reality