1) How do I contact you?

As mentioned on the "Meet the Teacher" page, please use Parent Square to best reach me! Please use the messenging option.

2) Technology Issue Help?

Click on picture and it will take you to a Technology Help Page provided by Niemes Elementary School!

3) How do I log into?

Google Classroom

All you need to do is follow these instructions to get them on:

  1. They can do this by signing in to their Google email

Username: firstname_lastname@myabcusd.org

Password: YYYYMMDD

*Child’s birthday! Use zeros for single digit months. (EX) 20120402 for April 2,2012

  1. The click on the “waffle” on the right top of the screen.

  2. Look for the classroom icon (shown in pic on left)

  3. Click on the classroom icon then click on the class titled “Ms. Paek’s First Graders”

*Make sure that pop up blocker is disabled

  1. Click on logo

  2. Click on “I’m a Student”

  3. Sign in with Google (your Google Classroom Log-In)

  4. Go to the “Activities” Page to complete the work that I have assigned.

  • Click on “Add Response” for the post to complete the work assigned.