Mindfulness & Meditation

Mindfulness, simply put, means paying attention to the present moment. It means taking a step back and noticing the world around you, as well as noticing your inner experiences like thoughts and feelings. With practice, mindfulness can help adults and children cope with problems such as stress & anxiety, and many more.

Sometimes it also just helps to take a step back from your day to be present in the moment and reflect on what you are doing, how you are feeling, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what is going on around us.

I encourage you to browse through some of the activities and videos below and see if any resonate with you.

3-minute mindful breathing meditation

Relieve Stress

body scan meditation

Tame Anxiety

gratitude meditation

Strengthen Happiness

guided sleep meditation

Relaxation Before Sleep

Mindfullness Exercises.pdf

Mindfulness Exercises

Breathing Guide (Deep Belly Breathing Method).pdf

Breathing Guide (Deep Belly Breathing Method)

Breathing Guide (Lazy 8 Method).pdf

Breathing Guide (Lazy 8 Method)

Mindful Coloring Activity.pdf

Mindful Coloring Pages