ARC Cancer Support Retreat Toolkit

The Covenant:

"I will stay.

I intend you all good will.

I will hold all you share in confidence."

Yoga & Meditation

Box Breathing

Inhale, hold, exhale and hold for the same time.

E.g., inhale count to 4, hold your breath count to 4, exhale count to 4, hold your breath count to 4

Exhale longer than inhale

Allow your inhale to be normal, try to extend your exhale

Loving Kindness Meditation

May I be safe and protected from all harm.

May I be healthy and strong.

May I be happy and at peace.

May I take care of myself easily.

Repeat for your self, for loved ones, for all beings.

Finger holds (from Capacitar)

When experiencing strong emotions hold each finger for many breaths until you feel a pulse in that finger

Thumb-grief, tears

Pointer- fear, terror

Middle finger- anger, rage

Ring finger – anxiety, worry

Pinky finger- lack of self esteem


Make music with friends.

Brahmari Breath

Inhale and exhale making a humming sound.

Continue inhaling and exhale making humming sounds for at least 12 breaths.

Recommended Reading

Expressive Arts


Mango Salad

Blueberry Cranberry Red Fife Muffins

Healthy Granola

Pear Walnut Salad with a Mustard Orange Dressing

The ARC Angels

The ARC Angels meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Retreat Centre.

Lunch is included.


Click an image to view more photos from the Retreat.