Planning Help

Most young people need help when planning their future pathway.  

It is always recommended to look at local area labour market information to help identify the industries that will present employment opportunities in the future.  This information can be found here.  

In addition to pupils contacting their Pupil Support Teachers, Cults Academy is pleased to offer a range of help services:

SDS Careers Advisor

Skills Development Scotland (SDS) is the national skills body. We deliver Scotland’s careers service and provide information, advice and guidance on career choices and the best routes to get you there.

Your SDS Careers Adviser is Ms H. Mackay . Her days in school are Monday, Thursday and Friday, and you can find her in the DYW room 2.4.

You will be notified of your appointment times through your school email, Google Classroom and morning bulletin. 

If you want to request an appointment, please talk to your Pupil Support Pastoral Teacher, or come to the lunchtime drop in on Monday & Friday.

Careers advisers are here for you throughout school, supporting you to get ready for what you’ll do when you leave. Some people think careers advisers are there to tell you what to do. Not true! And they won’t say ‘no’ or ‘you can’t’ either.

They will help you to think about what’s best for your future and the skills that you might need in a changing world of work. You can also continue to access support from our advisers when you leave school. We have centres locally in Peterhead, Inverurie and Aberdeen – find your nearest centre at

Contact Holly Mackay on:


Tel: 01224 024 826

Careers Support Cults.pptx

DYW School Employer Coordinator

Thalia brings a wealth of connections and experience to Cults Academy.  Having qualified as a Sports Scientist at RGU, she went on to specialise in Sports Nutrition with the International Olympic Committee. Thalia then worked on projects for the 2012 Olympic Games in London and 2014 Commonwealth Games in Glasgow before leaving the UK to work and travel abroad. Thalia is key to making contacts between the school and industry. So if you have a sector that you'd love to get a contact in, Thalia is the person to point you in the right direction. 

My World Of Work

My World of Work

My World of Work is Scotland’s careers website. It helps you explore your career, skills and learning opportunities from school right through your working life.

My World of Work helps you personalise your career journey and offers career information, advice and tools such as:

Use the site regularly as you go through school. The more you tell it about yourself, the more great careers ideas you’ll get for you.

Remember your Skills Development Scotland Careers Adviser is available at school to talk to you about your options. If you have already left school, drop into one of our careers centres to get support and information on what to do next. Go to to find your local careers centre.

All Cults Academy pupils have registered for My World Of Work.  Most pupils have used their Google Classroom logins for this.  Information for pupils can be found here:

My Kids Career

Advice for parents regarding labour market information and a range of pathways available to young people in Scotland:

ABZ Works

ABZ works offers employability support and a hub of resources aimed at people in the Aberdeen CIty area.

PlanIt Subject Choice Help

Helpful tool to see what career options are available with subjects that you have chosen.  Note:  These lists are not exhaustive but may give new ideas.