Health and

If you are finding things a bit tough just now, these websites might provide some helpful information for you.

Shelf Help

If you are looking for further reading, remember there is the Shelf Help Section in the library. You'll find the book list of what we have here.

There's also the following places to investigate:

Nicola Morgan is known as The Teenage Brain Woman and has done a significant amount of study on the teenage brain. Her books are excellent; they are informative and hold a huge amount of useful tips and advice. Have a look at her website here and remember the library does have several of her books if you want to read further.

Reading Well supports you to understand your health and wellbeing using helpful reading. These lists crossover with Cults Academy's Shelf Help collection but does have a larger reading list for you to browse.

The Book of Hopes

This is a beautiful book of short stories, illustrations, poems and essays written during lockdown one by over 100 children's authors and illustrators. During this lockdown, you'll find it free to read here.

Action for Happiness

Why don't you set yourself this challenge from Action for Happiness? Take some time out every day.