Google Classroom

Google classroom Tutorial for students and parents

Google Classroom is an online educational platform where teachers can interact with pupils, setting assignments, posting learning materials and mark work pupils submit.

Each child at Braehead will be assigned to a Google Classroom.

There are 3 main parts to Google Classroom

The stream is the homepage of Google Classroom.

Posts that either a teacher or student posts will appear here in descending order.

Pupils will be able to create and respond to posts

Classwork is the area where pupils can find work assigned to them by their teacher.

Classwork will be separated into topics (usually dates or curricular area).

Pupils can complete work and hand it back in.

People contains a list of all teachers and pupils that are assigned to the class.

Pupils can see the different pupils in their class and who the teachers are.

Handing in work

Once a child has completed an assignment, then can click on the blue button 'Mark as done'. This let's the teacher know that they have finished this task.

Before doing this, they can 'Add or create' files to share evidence of their learning.

Finally, pupils can leave a comment in the 'private comments' section. No other child will see these comments: only the teacher and you!