
Mathematics is used in everyday situations and our pupils are always encouraged to think about how learning will help them in real life situations. 

Mathematics comprises of:

• Information Handling: gathering, organising, displaying and interpreting


• Number, Money and Measurement: learning to add, subtract, multiply and

divide, as well as to work with money, time, length, weight, area and volume.

• Shape, Position and Movement: learning about the properties of 2 and 3 dimensional shapes and to understand position and movement 

Teaching Numeracy

At Braehead we use a range of approaches and materials in supporting the development of numeracy, some of which are included below:

Play in P1 and P2 and carefully structured activities across the school support the development of children's curiosity towards mathematics. This demonstrates a discovery model of learning, where children are able to investigate for themselves a wide range of mathematical concepts.

Concrete - Pictorial - Abstract
When learning or extending new concepts, staff try to use a wide range of concrete materials and pictorial demonstrations to support children to have a solid foundation of mathematical concepts. Staff will then introduce more abstract models of thinking about concepts, such as using numbers and symbols.

Numeracy across the Curriculum

Staff work very hard to make clear and relevant links between numeracy and other curricular areas. For instance, staff may bring in aspects of volume, shape, position and movement.


Sumdog is a personalised maths program that is adapted to support and challenge each child.

Pupils can take part in a range of game-based activities set by the class teacher, earning points.

Class teachers may also assign assessments to pupils on Sumdog.

There are regular contests on Sumdog where pupils can challenge others in the world!

My Maths

My maths is a new resouce for us this session.

It is an online resource that has acess to a wide range of lessons related to maths curricular areas. 

Each mathematical area has a progressive and interactive set of lessons, videos and homework.