
The Literacy framework has three elements:

• Reading

• Writing

• Listening and Talking

Literacy has been defined within Curriculum for Excellence as ‘the set of skills which allows an individual to engage fully in society and in learning, through the different forms of language, and the range of texts, which society values and finds useful’ (Principles and practice: Literacy across learning, 2009).


Here at Braehead we recognise the importance of reading and use a resource, Accelerated Reader, to promote pleasure and enjoyment of reading. Each term pupils from P3-P7 will take a comprehension quiz and are assigned a reading range (i.e. 3.8 – 5.8).

Pupils are then encouraged to choose a book within their range from the library, all of which have a reading level on the spine. We call this their ‘independent reading book’.

By using Accelerated Reader, we can be confident that pupils are reading books at the right level for them to continue to improve.

Whole class and group novels will still formal an integral part of reading skills development at Braehead School.

For more information about Accelerated Reading, resources or how you can support your child, please visit our dedicated Google Reading Site.



P1 Literacy Guidelines Final.docx
P2 Literacy Guidelines Final.docx

Across the school children regularly engage with phonics, investigating letter sounds.

In Primary 1 and 2 there are specific phonics progressions that staff work through to support learners in the class.

Wraparound Spelling

Wraparound Weekly Powerpoint Master parent presentation

From P3-P7 we have introduced Wraparound spelling, designed to support children extend their phonics, identify sounds and break-up words into roots and shoots.

Please take a look at the powerpoint to the left for more information. Alternatively you can watch the Fly Cup video in our Parent Section.

Literacy Website

Please click on the image above to access our new literacy website, designed to support reading and literacy at home.

This website contains information related to reading, links to useful websites and events that authors are offering over the coming weeks.

To access the website please click on the button below: