Primary 1


Today we have been estimating how many Numicon pegs we have. We then counted them carefully along a number line before creating the Numicon shape pattern to represent how many we had altogether.


Yesterday lots of the boys and girls chose sausages for lunch. They were quite tricky to cut so today we used play dough sausages to practise using a knife and fork to cut. We will keep practising so that next time sausages are on the menu we can be more independent cutting for ourselves.


This week before PE we did some Go Noodle in the class. Here is a video of us getting stretched and ready doing the jellyfish! We had lots of fun.


We had lots of fun in our Wee Green Space this afternoon.

We climbed and built nests in the trees, searched for minibeasts, made a pattern using natural resources and played with sticks.

Thank you to David and Sebastian for coming with us this week ☺️


Miss Portsmouth's Primary 1s have been learning all about the 'Braehead Way' this week. They created their own superheroes and have been showing how they are all ready, respectful and safe in school.


Well done to two of our classmates for explaining to their friends all about Eid. Miss Cheng said they did very well standing up in front of the class. Your friends were very interested - thank you for sharing!

Happy Eid to all of your friends and family who have been celebrating today! We hope you've all had a lovely day!

Love from Miss Michie, Miss Cheng and all your friends xx


The children created a great display about the houses they made for their 'Duplo' person during Welly Wednesday the first week back. The display is now finished with the beautiful flowers that our very own little artist Lilly made along with Miss Cheng to make it look like all the houses had a garden. Thank you to Chloe to for writing a very neat display title explaining what our writing is all about.

More Welly Wednesday Photos... 21.04.21

‘That’s not my snail 🐌 it’s shell is too...’

Welly Wednesday 21.04.21

What a great afternoon we all had outdoors down at ‘Wee Green Spaces.’ The sun was shining and the children worked so well in groups of 8 rotating round three different activities.

Ask your child what there favourite activity was from the afternoon? Ask them what they were learning about?

Activity 1: Focusing on fractions

Activity 2: Describing words and textures ‘That’s not my shell it’s to...’

Activity 3: Den building

Some great leaders of learning helping and supporting each other when it came to den building! ⭐️⭐️

Numeracy and Writing 21.04.21

Today the children worked together to solve fraction questions. They did great at working out half of a number and some extended their learning to working out a quarter of a number - well done! We even had two boys who shared a seat when working on an activity that involved creating a pizza🍕 showing their understanding of what a half represents. Good example boys!

The children were being encouraged today by learning lion and successful starfish to try writing more independently today in their superhero writing. They had to say what their superhero name was and what superpower they could do. Some fantastic 💥 powers!

The children were being encouraged to write:

I am...

I can...

Ask your child what superpower they wrote about? Some great ideas... running fast, making people invisible, saving people and my favourite one was stopping evil and spreading kindness 💕

Monday Afternoon Learning 19.04.21

Athletics and Fractions

The children took part in Athletics activities in small groups this afternoon for PE outdoors. Then the children returned to the class and learned a new concept in Numeracy - finding a half of a shape and finding half of a number. They made a great start to fractions through various practical activities working in smaller groups.

Ask your child what fraction they learned about this afternoon? Can they give an example of half a number they had to find? Perhaps they can demonstrate and write a half in numbers using a piece of paper.

Can you make a Potato Head or an animal? 19.04.21

The children had lots of fun first thing this morning at the Mr and Mrs Potato Head station. One of the challenges the children could choose to do was make their own Mr or Mrs Potato head or an animal using the vegetables and sticks. Some children also go involved in cutting the vegetables up to use - some good cutting skills. Well done!

The learning through play this morning was continuing the learning on from last week and think about the different food groups. Cutting skills were involved and safety using a knife to cut the vegetables.

potato head or animal

Happy Friday! 😊16.04.21

What a great end to a super week of fun had by all your children! They have all been so eager and excited this week with new learning and our new topic of ‘Food Glorious Food.’

The week ended with a letter from Monster Munch and Pickled Onion to ask us if we could teach them about the food pyramid and also to let us know they are going to go and play tricks at another school but they will be back to visit soon. We did have a little search for them in case we caught them before they left our school. But we had no joy! Some children were concerned that they wouldn’t come back so we wrote a reply to their letter and James our janitor was away to the post office, so he took our reply and said he would post it to monster land there they stay.

We had an afternoon of learning about the different food groups. As your child what foods they drew in their food pyramid?

Have a lovely weekend everyone! It’s been a joy being back with your children 😊

thursday learning


Another letter arrived this afternoon with a picture of Monster Munch's friend - Pickled Onion Monster. He explained in the letter that we shouldn't be scared of Monster Munch and him because they are friendly. They like playing tricks on us and were tricking us yesterday by hiding around the school. But they still want us only to eat crisps, so we have to come up with a message to tell them tomorrow what foods are good for us. The monster hunt was definitely continuing on today, we had children asking other members of staff all day. Even some of the other classes got involved! Great fun had by all today!

Part of the children's Literacy 4 days out of 5 is to take part in spelling of the words they are given each week. Today the children got to use the cameras they made to take a snap shot of the spelling words along with higgelty, piggelty Bumble Bee. She is our character that comes out every day to help us with our spelling. The children then had to have a go at writing the spelling words outside using chalk - some great effort!

In the afternoon the children also focused on coin recognition up to £2.00. They all got given a bag of coins and had to order the coins from smallest amount to largest amount - they did a great job!

In Literacy today the children were revising over the sound ff - ask your child if they can tell you a word with 'ff' in it and see if they can sound out the word?

'Monster Munch' Hunt


I hope you don't have a hyper child at home this evening, I certainly did this afternoon in class, we had a very exciting afternoon, full of fun! After lunchtime we arrived into the classroom to find broccoli on the floor spelling the word NO! (one of our spelling words) The word NO was to tell us not to eat healthy foods. There was also a letter left from a monster called Monster Munch. The letter is attached below for you to understand why your children turned into superheroes for the afternoon.

Your children went on a hunt round the school, outdoors and even in the lift to try and find the Monster Munch to tell him that eating crisps for breakfast, lunch and tea is not healthy. This lesson was a lead into our topic of 'Food Glorious Food' where we will be focusing on the different food groups. The children were horrified to think that the 'Monster Munch' wants us to only eat crisps.

We were unsuccessful finding 'Monster Munch' today but if we do find him we are going to be using our super powers to tell him all the good foods we can eat which we will learn about during this topic.

Ask your child what their superhero name is and what they would like to tell the 'Monster Munch?

monster munch hunt


Soft Start Play

The children had great fun during the morning start playing well with one another.

It was lovely to see so many children choosing to read together and search for words in the books using magnifying glasses. The children read some stories to their little puppet friends.

The flower shop was busy with customers. The frogs were being looked after well in the water tray and the children were making some great spring pictures with paint, pegs and pom-poms.

Some children also chose to create numbers using loom bands and continue word building making this weeks spelling words.

Ask your child what activities they would like to play with next week during our soft start mornings? Then type some suggestions below 😃

Soft Start


The children all came back to school today so eager to learn and all worked so hard! I am so proud of them all for their hard working attitude and good listening skills. Let’s hope this continues! 😊

For Literacy today the children worked hard today working in pairs revising over their sounds. The activity involved one partner being the word reader reading aloud a word and the other partner had to be the word maker, making the words with the magnetic letters.

Ask your child what words they made today? Can they tell you what two letters make up the sound they learned today?

The children also participated very well outdoors in the afternoon for the first lesson of Athletics in PE.

Letter "T" for Treasure Hunt

The children were learning about the sound 't' last week. As part of their learning they went outdoors to find hidden treasure.

For each new sound they take part in activities related to the sound -finding treasure led onto making a treasure map back in the classroom.

Lots of fun was involved in finding the treasure. The children were kind and made sure everyone had at least one piece of treasure each. Numeracy was then involved when we counted how many pieces of treasure they collected in total!

Numeracy Outdoors

Pine Cone Counting

The children have been exploring numbers, focusing on recognising a number, forming a number and counting objects.