
If there is any additional information or things we would like to inform you about regarding Google Classroom or any of the Google Suite Apps it can be found here

Google Guardians Not Receiving Guardian Summary Emails - 'FIX'

We are aware that some of you have not been receiving your daily/weekly updates on your pupils activity on the Google Classroom. To fix this you should Manage your Google Guardian Summaries and change the updates to weekly. You need to wait for the first weekly email to trigger and then you can change it back to Daily updates.

Daily updates are only available for Gmail email accounts now, so if you wish to receive daily updates you will need to sign up for a Gmail account. Please see the link below for instructions on how to Manage your Google Guardian Summaries.

Google Guardians - Invited but not accepted

All parents/carers have been invited to become a Google Guardian for your son/daughter, using the contact details you provided to the school.

I can see from the Google Classroom that a number of you have not yet accepted this invite, and you may be unaware of how your son/daughter is getting on with their online learning.

To become a Guardian please locate the email previously sent to you by searching for 'Google Guardian' in your email search bar. There you will find a link which will allow you to sign up and choose if you would like to receive daily/weekly email summaries of your child's progress.

If you are having a problem with the 'Accept' Link please ensure you uninstall the Google Classroom App from your device or ensure you are logged out of your child's Google Classroom account on the device you accept this invitation on.

If you can't locate this email or the link has expired, please contact the school and we will resend an invitation.

More information about Google Guardians is available in the Parents & Carers > Google Guardian page on this website.

Pupils Handing In Assignments Without Completing/Attaching Work

We would like to make you aware that pupils have been known to submit Assignments with no work completed or attached to the, just to clear this from their Guardians daily/weekly report, therefore making parents think all the work has been completed. This may lead to an e-mail from class teacher, Head of Faculty or Guidance Teacher when this is recorded as non-engagement.

Appropriate Devices for Remote Learning

As we move back to online learning it is imperative that pupils have access to the appropriate devices to take part. Please contact the school if your pupil does not have access to either a laptop / desktop PC / Chromebook. A mobile phone or tablet device is not sufficient to complete all school work.