Hearing Support (HS)

What is the HS Team?

The Hearing Support Team (HS) works in conjunction with Aberdeen School for the Deaf and is part of ASN&Outreach. It provides specialist support for children and young people (0-19) with varying degrees of hearing loss across Aberdeen City. It aims to provide educational support which sets the highest level of expectation and enables children and young people to reach their full potential.

What do we do?

Who are we?

The Hearing Support Service consists of:

Who do we work with?

What can we provide?

·         Support, information and practical advice for parents, carers and families.

·         Advice on alternative arrangements for testing and exam situations, on subject choice and post-school options.

·         Support at times of transition: Nursery to P1, Primary to Secondary and Secondary to Further/Higher Education or work.

·         Deaf Awareness training for children, staff and other professionals.

·         Signing classes for children, families and staff.

·         Information and resources for pupil projects, e.g. ‘hearing’ within a topic on the senses.

·         Specialist equipment, e.g. radio aids, soundfield systems and training in these for mainstream staff.

How can I access this support?

Anyone can refer a child/young person to the Hearing Support Team.

 One of the HST team will contact parents/carers to seek their permission to support the child and family. In consultation with parents/carers and other professionals, we will assess the child’s needs regarding their hearing loss and make recommendations for future planning and ongoing support.

 To make a referral or for further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

N.B. From 26th October 2020 ACC Education staff should submit a Request for Assistance to refer a pupil to  the Hearing Support Service.