
At Aberdeen School for the Deaf we recognise and acknowledges that not all children use the same mode of communication. Offering an inclusive, child-centred approach to communication, our aim is to equip learners with the skills and strategies to cope with a variety of communication situations and conversational partners. This means that all forms of communication are regarded as equally valid and valued and this is reflected in our daily interactions with learners.

Lessons, teaching materials, notices, meetings, etc. are presented in a format which is accessible to all pupils. Visual presentation is used throughout the school to ensure that all learners have equal access to information.

We aim to maximise the communication abilities of children and young people in all areas of their lives whilst allowing them to make their own choices. The ultimate aim is for all children and young people to leave the school as confident, happy, independent communicators who can thrive in the Deaf and/or hearing world.

For more information please read our Communication Policy.