
HNC (SCQF Level 7)

This is a new course being offered in partnership with North East of Scotland College. This is for S6 pupils and has been planned to allow a 'blended' experience of School and Higher Education. This will prepare young people for the next step to University and allow them to study in depth in an area they are interested in. 

Why take this course? 

This advanced level course will further enhance your understanding of key business functions and provide you with an invaluable, detailed overview of the business world. You will acquire a wide range of transferable skills, highly sought after by employers, ensuring you are well-equipped for progression towards further study or direct entry into employment. If you are interested in studying any of the following courses at University, this course is a very good option for you: Business, Accounting, Law, Economics and Marketing.

This course will help you stand out from the crowd if you are applying to one of the courses listed above. If you successfully complete the course you may have the opportunity to progress into Year 2 of a Business Degree at RGU. 

What will you experience? 

This advanced level course will further enhance your understanding of key business functions and provide you with an invaluable, detailed overview of the business world. You will acquire a wide range of transferable skills, highly sought after by employers, ensuring you are well-equipped for progression towards further study or direct entry into employment.

The course will run for 2.5 days per week until June. 

Entry Requirements

Two Highers at Grade C or above, preferably in Business and English and a National 5 qualification in Accounting or Maths or Applications of Maths. Or, a Foundation Apprenticeship in Accounting or Business Skills.

What will you get? 

HNC Business (12 credits) (Equivalent to year 1 of a University Degree)

What you will experience

Managing People and Organisations

This Unit is designed to enable you to gain an understanding of different approaches to managing an organisation in today’s dynamic and complex business environment. It will introduce current management theories to enable you to evaluate organisational effectiveness.



This Unit is designed to provide you with a knowledge and understanding of marketing and its importance in organisations. It is also designed to develop your understanding of the marketing mix for both products and services.



This unit introduces fundamental issues in economics with a particular emphasis on the business environment. You will consider the basic economic problem, how

consumers and other economic agents address this problem, and how markets can be used to allocate resources. You are introduced to the operation of markets and actions that can be taken to help avoid market failure. The unit introduces the theory of National Income and the circular flow of Income model.


Business Accounting

This Unit is designed to enable you to develop knowledge and understanding in the preparation and use of accounting information within a business organisation. You will develop the skills required to prepare basic financial and management accounting reports and the knowledge and understanding to interpret and use financial information for decision making.


Business Communication

Business Communication is designed to develop skills in analysing, summarising, evaluating, and producing complex written business reports. It also develops skills in presenting and responding to complex oral business information through conducting presentations and participating in a formal business meeting.


IT in Business: Spreadsheets

This unit develops your understanding of spreadsheet design and how to use spreadsheet features and functions for practical and effective use in a business environment. You will develop competence in the use of spreadsheets in the workplace and knowledge in skills in the application of spreadsheets more generally.


IT Applications Software

This Unit is designed to enable you to use IT systems and applications independently to support a range of information processing activities. You will develop a broad knowledge of the theoretical concepts, principles, boundaries and scope of IT applications. These activities will be centred on using software applications packages to meet complex information requirements while paying attention to security and the needs of other users.


Business Law

This Unit will introduce you to the framework of law as it applies within the business environment. You will study the sources of Scottish law, the contractual relationships between individuals, and between individuals and businesses, and the distinction between types of business relationships.


Using Financial Accounting Software

This Unit will enable you to use a commercial accounting software

package to process financial transactions and to prepare accounting reports for a small business.


Business Graded Unit 1

This examination-based Graded Unit is a closed-book assessment. It is a written examination of three hours. The questions in the examination will be based on a case study of an organisation. The questions will assess your knowledge across a number of the units above.

Find out more

HNC Business.webm

Find out more about related careers or further study

UCAS connects people to University, post Uni studies including teacher training, apprenticeships & internships. 

Find all the information for your next steps by using the search tool. This will allow you to research UK university courses related to your interests

NESCOL is our local college and offers a wide range of courses. 

Find out more about courses available by using their A-Z course search page. 

My World of Work is an all age service, designed to help build your career management skills and discover what careers match your skills, interests, education and experience. Pupils will have used this website throughout school. 

We recommend you take a look at the Explore Careers section to help you research careers. 

Planit Plus is a website that provides information on careers, learning and school subjects. This resource has been designed to support Scottish Secondary School pupils. 

We recommend you take a look at the Career Progression Posters for ideas.