Science and Health

NPA Level 4

Course Overview

This National Progression Award (NPA) provides an overview of the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) sector with a focus on human health.

It develops knowledge and understanding of chemistry, physics and human health. It will also develop science practical skills.

The NPA provides bite-sized chunks of learning that are straightforward for learners to study.

The Course has five mandatory Units, as listed below. 

Across these units pupils will have opportunities to develop the following skills:

Communication, Numeracy, ICT, Problem Solving, and Working with Others

Faculty Principal Teacher

Mr M Stage

Assessment Methods

There is no final exam. The course is assessed on an ongoing basis through coursework and class assessments. 

Learning and Teaching Approaches

A wide range of teaching strategies are used with classes, such as practical and experimental work, direct teaching, paired and/or group work. Pupils will prepare presentations, projects and carry out structured practical investigations. Work in class is supported through the use of course plans, ICT and other media. Pupils will be involved in setting their own targets and evaluating their own as well as others progress.