AATF Maine

~American Association of Teachers of French~

The Maine chapter of the AATF serves the interests and needs of teachers and students of all levels of French (K-16). It sponsors the National French Contest (Le Grand Concours), as well as various activities and professional development opportunities for teachers.


AATF Authentic Resources Collections
French in MaineWhy French Matters


announcements AATF Maine

Join schools in all 50 states and countries around the world in a musical adventure annually in March!

Professional Development

Join us!


Grand Concours

Maine chapter administrator: Stephanie Carbonneau

  1. Welcome to Le Grand Concours!

  2. Le Grand Concours

  3. Profprofs

For more information, please contact the administrator.


Complete this form for more information or email us!

French in Maine: Why it Matters

On the Importance of Knowing French

Write a short summary of what problem the article will solve. Use step-by-step instructions to help people solve the issue.

  1. Step 1

  2. Step 2

  3. Step 3

Professional Development

AATF Maine offers many opportunities for professional development.

  1. Fall conference

  2. Throughout the year: Monthly webinars!

  3. Immersion weekend

  4. AATF National Convention (summer)

  5. Pause café

For More information review our announcements section and professional Development page.

Want something posted on our site?

contact: info@aatfmaine.org

Follow us!

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Le Carrefour

AATF Maine is proud to support the creation of the film Le Carrefour.

Featured on Radio-Canada and the Bangor Daily News Blog

Consider making a donation so that the story can be told.