Poverty Terminating Duo

About Us

We are the Poverty Terminating DUO. Our names are Pranit Ruia and Oscar Erik Ebbe Eberhardson.

Hi my name is Oscar, I am from Sweden and I got interested in work on poverty because I have been in a lot of country's that have it (Poverty), I have seen it with my own blue eyes. I chose two topics but they are very similar and the both include children working in fields and collecting goods for different industry's like the tobacco industry, cotton industry, chocolate industry and even in the furniture industry. I told you a little about my topic to find out more go to the Child labor and slavery page. See you there .

Hi I am Pranit I am from India and I chose Poverty because whenever I go to India I see people on the streets and begging for money. In the topic Poverty i chose Clean Water and Sanitation. There is a organization called the United Nation better known as the UN It put 17 goals to complete by 2030. To find out more about the UN go to the page called the UN. Pranit and I are friends but not really so close ones. We worked very hard even though we are the smallest group in grade five.

ABOUT Oscar and pranit

Hi I am OSCAR ERIK EBBE EBERHARDSON (pretty long name I know) I am writing about child labour and slavery in present time. I was born on september 6th 2010. I love to visit country's but a lot of them have a lot of poverty. I see beggars and people selling things for less than a cent because of inflamation. Example: In vietnam sell thinks like coffee for 195 vietnamese money if you thinks thats a lot 1 dollar is 23,000 vietnamese money. And I've been to kenya and cape town and visited the slump towns across south africa and I saw poor children working. I am so happy that I got lucky and was born in to a normal family And I go to one of the best schools across the world.

Hi I am Pranit Ruia I am writing about Poverty and clean water and good sanitation. I am 10 years old and i was born at 2010 and my birthday is on the 2nd August. I go to the school called Anglo American School and it locates in Moscow, Russia. I am from the country India but I was born in Moscow in a hospital. I chose poverty because whenever I walk in the Indian streets I see beggars and they ask for money so they can buy food. I also chose clean water and good sanitation because in India a lost of places are dirty.