Food Issues


Hello my name is Mia and I have amazing teammates who are Iefke and Vicky. Together we are trying to find a way to end Food Issues. My issue is Economy Problems, Iefke's is hunger and Vicky's is obesity. These topics may sound different but they all have a connection: if economy had a problem that leads to lack of money then it would lead to hunger. Hunger leads to obesity because if you have a little bit of money then you would need to get the cheapest food and guess what is the cheapest food........ if you guessed fast food you are right! if you eat too much fast food you could turn obese. Vicky chose obesity because she cares about health and wants to help people have food disabilities. Iefke chose starvation because when she was in Brunei there were a lot of people who are poor and want to eat and she felt bad so she thinks everyone deserves to have the same rights as others. And I chose economics because in my country (Lebanon) there is bank failure and people are suffering because they barely have enough money for food, many people are on the streets now begging and now that we have Covid19 things could get very challenging for the economy.

Unit Plan:

Central Idea:

Collaborative inquiry is a journey that empowers students to demonstrate lifelong skills and dispositions that lead to action

Key Concepts:

  • Function

  • Causation

  • Perspective

Lines of Inquiry:

  • Causes and Effects of Obesity

  • What different governments do to their people

  • Causes and effects of starvation and help against it.

Here are our bibliographies where we list on the sites we have visited...

Vicky's Bibliography

Mia’s bibliography

iefke's bibliography

Our Action:

Iefke - I am going to write a letter to the governor of the Dutch embassy to help against starvation like in the Netherlands.

Mia - I found this app called Share the meal and we could donate money so that people can get food.

Vicky - I will print the poster I made and hang it up around my building complex.