
Video Production

We specialize in videography, specifically for the purposes of capturing the personal histories in our community and engaging the public through public service announcements. Our innovative compositions and intriguing footage composes the engaging videos we produce.

Check out our videos at the CMPP Youtube Channel or in our Clients & Portfolio

Website Design

Our website designs feature clean pages that can be easily navigated, but nevertheless, they still maintain their visual appeal. They effortlessly compliment the information delivered by your organization, allowing each viewer to attain a uniquely exceptional experience.

Social Media Strategies

We provide individualized social networking strategies to cultivate the most prominent online presence possible. We aim to attract large audiences by supplying unique technical advice from a high school perspective.


Our specially constructed informative visuals imbedded within digital shorts serve to educate and persuade. They can also provide training for complex software and app usage. Either style displays information concisely and attractively.