Photos from our wonderful Winter Survival trip! We built our own fires and cooked our own lunches. It was GREAT!!

Ko and Kelly's Groups

Jason and Bridget's Groups

Here are some nice things that kids said about each other on our Reflection about Winter Survival:

Who is someone who impressed you during the field trip? (Explain how.)

I was impressed when Calder found a animal bone.

I was impressed with everyone in our group because we where able to get enough wood and no one gave up. The people in my group where Harriet, Justice, Hudson, Elise, and Marcus.

Tristan because he was just non stop just gathering wood!

I forget what group it was but one group found a lot of bones.

Someone who really impressed me was Ellis, because I'm not sure how you could cook steak over a fire, but apparently he did.

Gloria, they worked really well and kept on getting more sticks! They had amazing ideas and they really helped our group.

I was impressed by Mollie, because she seamed to really know what she was doing. And she was really nice, but everybody in my group was really nice.

Tristan because he gathered most of the wood

katlyn, because she gathered so much kindling and firewood.

Although Leaf's obsession with mushrooms is impressive, I think Otis impressed me most. At the start, he didn't really know what to do to help. But when our fire started going out, he figured out a way to get it going again and really helped the whole group.

Ellis did when he cooked a steak on the fire

Tristan, because of how helpful he was with another group. It was super nice!

I think that Lalena impressed me because she didn't really know the majority of the people in our group, but she still helped out a lot.

Blix and Hudsons group surprised em because they were two different groups, yet they were right next to each other and acted like they were a huge group together.

Mara really impressed me because the whole time she stay focused.

Ko sort of surprised me, because even though I knew she had experience, I didn't know how much experience she had with this.

I was impressed with Mara because she knew what she was doing abd got a lot of wood.

I think that almost everyone on my team impressed me. They all looked like they were the instructors. They were all really well at making the fire, and I think that my team worked really well together!

Justice because he was really helping out and being a team player

Katelyn, because while the rest of our group was sitting down and eating, she was tending to the fire, and making sure everyone's food was cooked. It was SO nice of her!

Luciana, she was willing and did what I asked her to do this many sound bossy but I was telling her to collect wood or tend to the fire (So I guess I many have been bossy) but instead of not doing it she cooperated and it was really nice

Whenever our fire started going out Maddie waved a plate to keep it going.

I mean, everyone in my group surprised me because I was only say... 71% sure my group would be able to work together.

I think it was Desmond that surprised me. Even if a stick is super long or thick, he could easily break it on a tree or his leg with a lot of leverage.

Someone who impressed me during the field trip was Katelyn because she knew a lot about fires!

Kyle really impressed me, because he knew a lot about the fire, and how to start it, even though he said he didn't know a lot about the sort of stuff we did.

I think maybe Tristan because he helped a lot in our group.

evry buty ipres in my team impressed me

Someone who impressed me was probably Justice because he put up really well and helped our team a lot.

Mara because she was really good at starting the fires.

the grope nex to us thay got so much wood

Claire really impressed me. We really don't hang out so it was fun seeing how cool she is.

Well there was a group that really impressed me it was Mollie's group they were the last to start their fire but they worked together really well and offered to help others even when they didn't have a fire one time Zola and I were looking for tinder near their spot and Penelope offered to give us the tinder they were using it was really nice.

I was impressed by Calder and Asa's team because they started their fire really fast and it was quite big!

Mara because she helped us stay on track.

Jozo's group. they got there fire going so fast!

the people in charge. because they showed me how to make a better fire

It was impressive to see Dave Seagull light a match with wood.

Max because he taught me that you can roast marsh mellows using tongs.

Katelyn did an amazing job cooking the food!

Someone who impressed me is Eva she got lots of wood and was keeping the fire going when everyone was eating.