Class Photos and Projects

Astronomical Models

We made models to show how the Earth, Sun and Moon work together to cause day and night, different seasons, longer days and nights, and eclipses. Here are pictures and short videos of kids creating their models.

For privacy purposes, you'll need to be signed in to an AAPS account to view these.

Who Do You Think You Are?? POOT EDITION 2022

POOT Character Timelines

POOT Character Timelines 2022

Personal Timelines

Check out the timelines we made of important events in our lives! You'll need to be signed in to an AAPS account to view this.

Personal Timelines

Enigma Cylinders!

How do they work? Can you make one that does the same thing?

A Mystery Tube!.MOV

Check out pictures of our models here. (You'll need to be signed in to an AAPS account to view these.)

Our Class

First week of school

Who Do You Think You Are?? 21-22

You need to be signed in to an AAPS account to view this slideshow.