King Library Procedures

Destiny Discover

Destiny Discover is the online catalog where students learn to search our print collection and check their library accounts.  

Learn more here: How to Use Destiny Discover

Borrowing Books

Students begin the school year borrowing one book and then up to the following number of books per week: 

Students are welcome to take home books they borrowed from the school library.  They have the opportunity to borrow new books on a weekly basis during their scheduled library time.  

The library is open all week for students to borrow and return books as needed.  

When are books due?

All books are due back each week on a student's library day.  If a student forgets one or more books, they may still check out one book that week. If a student forgets books for a second week, they are given a verbal and/or printed reminder and are asked to wait to borrow more books until they return the other ones. 

Overdue Notices

Overdue notices will be emailed to families for students who have overdue books.  Please help your child practice responsibility by making it a routine to return their library books.

Book Care

One of the skills we emphasize and practice in library class is respect for our resources.

Lost and Damaged Books

If a book is damaged or lost, please let Mrs. Burrill know so it can be marked accordingly in our catalog.  A donated book in good condition, a new replacement copy, or a donation of funds to replace a lost or damaged item is appreciated in order to maintain our collection.