This page showcases the photos I took for my Personal Project class at Huron during sophomore year. As you'll notice from the descriptions, they all fall under the connecting theme of places around Ann Arbor that have some sort of meaning to me. You can purchase prints/files of these photos in addition to hiring me to take other photos.

*Starred items have more photos without paragraphs below.

Michigan Stadium front shot

As a Michigan fan, the Big House obviously means quite a lot to me. I've been to games there, but my dad also helped work on it, and my brother and I always called it "his" stadium growing up.

Order code: UMSTAD13

Michigan Stadium arch shot

Though unassuming, this is one of the most meaningful parts of Michigan Stadium for me. This is the Lloyd Carr tunnel, which leads into the stadium. The reason it's meaningful to me is because this is the part my dad helped install (he works as an architect for the university).

Order code: UMSTAD23

Go Blue barn

My family always saw this barn on our way to church, and we always called it the "Go Blue barn" (for obvious reasons). Not only does the barn and its message hold meaning for me, the grass near the barn is always a shade of green that was my favorite color when I was younger, so I always relate that color to this spot.

Order code: GBBARN13


I've been to Kerrytown so many times I can't remember them all. My mom frequently took me to farmer's markets here; I've been on field trips here; I played in the yearly Edgefest parade in middle school, etc. This is a picture of the clock tower, whose design I always adored as a kid, and its connecting shops, one of which was a toy store that my brother and I always begged my mom to visit.

Order code: KTOWN13


This is my high school's front view! The electronic sign was installed really recently. I've always liked the trees out front because they're some of the first to change color in the fall and to grow new leaves in the spring, and I'm often at school early enough to see them put the flag up in the morning.

Order code: HHS13

Carpenter playground

I live by Carpenter Elementary School (where I used to go), and I've been to their playground many times. I've taken my dog on walks here, ridden bikes through, played volleyball, and played on the playgrounds as a little kid. This playground is the one I have the most memories of, especially because it's the least remodeled of the 3 they have. (One was put in when I was in 3rd grade, and the other a few years after I left.)

Order code: CRPNTR13

Blank Slate* shot 1

Blank Slate is one of my favorite ice cream places ever. It's not exactly traditional - most of their flavors are pretty inventive - but it's always great. My family pretty much only goes here for ice cream now because of how good it is.

Order code: BLNKSLT13

Blank Slate shot 2

I've also been to Blank Slate with my friends several times, especially in the summer. This is the corner we always hang out in (we always feel like we look more intimidating than we are).

Order code: BLNKSLT23

Blank Slate shot 3

I've also come here with my extended family and friends. When I was about 10, we went here a few times during the summer with some of my parents' friends, as well as to Frita Batidos' for dinner. I have more than a few memories with them there. I've also met my cousins here a few times. They used to have a hook-the-ring game outside that I played with my dad, brother and younger cousins. It was the one game I wasn't that good at, which bugged me. (I've always been super competitive.)

Order code: BLNKSLT33

Nichols Arboretum* stairs

I used to go to Nichols Arboretum with my family occasionally when I was younger. When I went with my mom we usually went to the peony gardens, and this staircase is nearby. There used to be a huge tree that I climbed in nearby, but I couldn't find it.

Order code: NICARB13

Nichols Arboretum forest

When I went to Nichols Arboretum with my dad, we usually took walks in the woods. Sometimes he'd even be there to look for places to take good senior photos, which I thought of when we were there for a similar purpose in October.

Order code: NICARB23

Scarlett woods*

I went to Scarlett Middle School, where I participated in cross country in 6th grade. We always practiced in the nature area near the school, and our meets were held there too. This is one spot in which we ran, near a pond.

Order code: SCRWDS13

Montibeller Park*

I often went to parks with my family when I was younger, and we went to Montibeller SEVERAL times. This shot is of the red bridge over the creek that my friends and I loved playing on, but we also frequented the playgrounds and nature trails, had picnics under the trees, and sledded down the hills on snow days in the winter.

Order code: MNTPRK13

Michigan Theater*

I've been to Michigan Theater several times - usually for something Christmas-related! When I was really young, my family went to see It's a Wonderful Life (one of my mom's favorite holiday movies, though I don't remember it at all). When I was a bit older, we went to see Elf (one of my favorite holiday movies) and to a singalong of White Christmas with my grandparents.

Order code: MCHTHTR13

Hill Auditorium*

I'm proud to say that I've both been in the audience and on the stage at Hill. I've seen a number of concerts here with my family (usually jazz, a number being at Christmas), and I played here last year with my band class at Huron. It has a way of making pretty much any band sound professional, which is always fun to hear.

Order code: HILLAUD13

Gallup Park shot 1

I have a lot of memories at Gallup Park! Hands down, my favorite part is the Huron River that runs through it. I've gone kayaking and paddleboarding on it, eaten breakfast by it before school, and ran a couple 5Ks next to it (more description in the next paragraph). It's one of my favorite spots in Ann Arbor because there's so much to do.

Order code: GLPPRK13

Gallup Park shot 2

One of the reasons I waited until the last possible weekend to take the Gallup Park photos is because one of my favorite memories at Gallup is running a "Turkey Trot" 5K with my mom and my brother in 2020. It was right before my birthday and a fundraiser for my middle school's Student Council. We saw a bunch of wildlife (swans, ducks, robins, geese and even a few of what we think were otters or river rats) and it was nice to be outside after 2020 forced us to spend a lot of time inside.

Order code: GLPPRK23

Downtown collection (Kerrytown, Blank Slate, Michigan Theater, Hill Auditorium)

Nichols Arboretum collection

Scarlett woods collection

Montibeller Park collection

Carpenter collection